Monday, September 18, 2023

What I Would Like My High School To Know About Being In A Wheelchair

 To my high school:

I haven’t been in a wheelchair very long. I need it because I had a major surgery called a femoral derotational osteotomy. (Yes, I am the girl who probably left scuff marks in the classroom doorways and probably ran over your legs or feet once or twice. Sorry.) A wheelchair is useful for my safety, but I would not choose to use one otherwise. It might look easy to not walk around school and sit in a wheelchair instead, but it’s not easy. I am in pain every day, even when I do sit in the wheelchair. I am much shorter sitting in it and I feel like less of a person. That being said, there are a few things that would help me greatly. Here are a few do’s and don’t’s for interacting with me (and other people) in a wheelchair.


  • Please do not stand directly in front of me (for example, at an assembly). In the wheelchair, I am much shorter than I am while standing. I can’t see if someone stands directly in front of me. It makes me feel like I don’t matter.
  • Do not shut the door on me when you see me coming. Honestly, I feel like it should be common courtesy to hold the door if you see anyone approaching the door, but I can’t reach the door to hold it for myself in the wheelchair. Many people have shut the door on me, and I have just had to wait for someone else to come along, which is really embarrassing. It only takes a few seconds to hold the door for someone, and I promise that those extra seconds make a big difference to me. 
  • Don’t cut right in front of me when I’m trying to go somewhere. I understand that I move slowly, but no matter if I do or not, it’s still really rude to cut in front of me. I will move to the side of the hallway if I see that you’re in a hurry; I do feel bad for holding people up. But if you cut in front of me, you run the risk of getting run over. I don’t mean to, but it’s harder to stop the wheelchair while it’s rolling than you’d think. (See my note about getting run over by the wheelchair below.)
  • Please do not block the doorway or hallway. I get it. I love talking to my friends between classes when I can, too. But I don’t have the luxury of time. Whether I’m walking behind the wheelchair and pushing it or propelling it with my arms, it takes a long time for me to get to class. It takes even longer when I have to wait for people to notice me and move out of the way. Please be mindful if you are blocking the doorway or hallway. We all have places we need to be. If you have the time to just stand there talking to your friends, I can’t accommodate you. I don’t want to be rude by yelling “excuse me” if you don’t hear me the first time or trying to roll past you, but I’d really rather not be late to class because other people are in the way.
  • Don’t make a big deal if you trip on the wheelchair or if I accidentally run over you. I promise, I do not mean to run over people. But when people move directly in my way or cut in front of me, sometimes it happens. I’m always looking where I’m going, and I need the same consideration in return. If you do trip over my wheelchair, I know it hurts. But please don’t give me a dirty look because it’s not my fault you tripped. My wheelchair is not there to inconvenience anyone; however, sometimes it does. I have to get by in a world that is sometimes not equipped for me, and if you trip over my wheelchair because you’re not paying attention to where you’re going, there’s really nothing I can do about it.
  • Please, please DO NOT push me without asking. I can propel myself, and it is really degrading when people come up behind me and start pushing. Just because I’m in a wheelchair does not mean that I can’t make my own decisions or do things for myself. When people push me without asking, it takes away the ability I do have. I can still do things on my own even though I’m in a wheelchair. If you push me without asking, I’m sure people usually mean well, but it means I don’t have a choice. I don’t have any control over the situation if people push me without asking, and I already don’t have enough control.

  • If you see me struggling (or if you think I’m having trouble), please do offer to help. There have been several times that I have struggled to open a door and people have stood behind me and just watched. There is a big difference between offering to help and swooping in and doing something for me. I would really appreciate an offer to help if I do look like I need it.
  • Please do watch where you’re going. It can pose a danger to us both if you don’t. I know it hurts when you collide with the wheelchair, and it also hurts me. When people ram into my wheelchair, it jolts my legs (including the one I just had surgery on, which really hurts). I will watch where I am going; all I ask is that you please watch where you’re going, too.

I know that I am not entitled to these things above, but it would be very helpful and make my day more tolerable. It is really hard for me to accept being in a wheelchair because I need a lot more help. Many people are very inconsiderate when they interact with me, but the only thing about me that has changed since last year is my mobility. I would so appreciate a little more consideration. The world isn’t always built for people who have differences, which is frustrating, but the way I see it, we can all learn from each other. We just have to have empathy. The fact is, both people with and without disabilities exist in this world, and it is my goal to make the world safe for both.