Saturday, August 20, 2016

Locked Out

My dad 's close friend's daughter had been coming to baby sit for most of the summer.  
When she came to baby sit for her last time this summer, a few weeks ago, we played a few games,  but, thought of a made-up game called Tackle The Ball.  We had played that earlier in the summer,  when the baby sitter had first come.  But, we had been in my old house, which had a yard with shady trees.  The yard now has no trees.  We went outside anyway,  because there was no way that we'd play with a ball in the house.  We hadn't even started to play before my sister realized that we were locked out.  The babysitter thought that there might be a key outside.  There was not.  My sister's suggestion was that we could climb through a window.  I did not like that idea.  The baby sitter said that we could go to a neighbor's house and borrow their phone to call her mom.  Now, I agreed with that.
My sister stuck a jump rope through our dog's collar for a leash.  She walked him along down the street.  Luckily, a neighbor was home and let us use her phone.  Then the baby sitter's mom drove up. She helped my sister, my dog, and me into her car and then she called my mom and she picked us up.