Thursday, August 25, 2016


Sometimes we believe bad things about ourselves that are not really true.
I don't really think I'm good at math.  But I am starting to believe that I am.
Just have faith in yourself, and you will be good at that thing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Going to Therapy

Some people go to therapy.  Therapy is a place where people can get help , but it is not a hospital.
You get a lot of exercise, mentally or physically.  The therapist will push you, (don't worry, not physically.)    No matter how hard they push you, they are trying to help you get to your goal.

I have been to occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy.
Yes, it is challenging.  But you have to stay strong to get through it.  You can't give up.
Sometimes I want to, honestly, but to get to your goal, you can't quit.
You have to actually accomplish it, and have faith in yourself.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Locked Out

My dad 's close friend's daughter had been coming to baby sit for most of the summer.  
When she came to baby sit for her last time this summer, a few weeks ago, we played a few games,  but, thought of a made-up game called Tackle The Ball.  We had played that earlier in the summer,  when the baby sitter had first come.  But, we had been in my old house, which had a yard with shady trees.  The yard now has no trees.  We went outside anyway,  because there was no way that we'd play with a ball in the house.  We hadn't even started to play before my sister realized that we were locked out.  The babysitter thought that there might be a key outside.  There was not.  My sister's suggestion was that we could climb through a window.  I did not like that idea.  The baby sitter said that we could go to a neighbor's house and borrow their phone to call her mom.  Now, I agreed with that.
My sister stuck a jump rope through our dog's collar for a leash.  She walked him along down the street.  Luckily, a neighbor was home and let us use her phone.  Then the baby sitter's mom drove up. She helped my sister, my dog, and me into her car and then she called my mom and she picked us up.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Hale Flood Adventure

My family and me woke up to a stormy morning.  We turned on the news and saw that flooding was expected the next day.  School was cancelled for me and my sister.  The next day, there was, sure enough, so much water covering the street that you could mistake it for a river.  Mom and Dad decided on packing up things that we didn't want to get ruined by flooding.  We waited at a neighbor's house for a big truck to come and get us, but THAT never happened.  Our adventure was much more than just a truck coming to get us and taking us to a shelter.  It turned out that there was no truck that was big enough to get through the thick water.  Mom went back to the house to get us some food.  When she came back, she said there was a boat tied up in our yard.  My dad untied the boat and we got in with our best things.  My dad pushed the boat to the end of our neighborhood.  My dad helped me out, but unfortunately, he accidentally put me down on a pile of ants.  I wasn't paying attention to much else except my ant bites after that.  A friendly man helped us into his motor boat.  But I could not enjoy it because my ant bites were itching too much.  The man dropped us off at the fire station.  We took a bus to the Oak Point store and my dad's friend picked us up from there.  One day my parents decided to bring us to our grandparents' house because their house was less likely to flood.
We had a good time with them and, when Mom and Dad had helped a good amount of people, our grandparents drove us home.                  

Sunday, August 7, 2016

A New School

It is almost time for summer to end and school to start.  Me and my sister are going into 3rd grade this year, at a new school.  Our family moved to Greenwell Springs and spent only a few months
there so far.  The school is nice, but I miss my old school.  The school is so big that I'm worried that I will get lost.  I'm hoping that I can make friends pretty fast.  But soon I think I will get used to it.  Me and my sister won't even be in the same class this year!  Third grade is the grade where you switch classes so I am also worried about that.  I won't even know anyone!  Someone said that my new school gives lots of homework and they don't send textbooks home. The teachers are Mrs. Worsham and Mrs. Rutter.