Sunday, June 16, 2019


Wouldn’t it be amazing
If I walked in the door
and didn’t have to worry anymore
About the teasing,
The stares, the titters
What if it didn’t matter
How I walked
or I talked?

The same for the little boy in class
Who stumbles and falls
Who picks himself up
as everybody laughs.
What if it didn’t matter?

The silent boy
who gazes into space
Not understanding a word
That anyone says.
What if it didn’t matter?

And for the smart one
Who doesn’t mean to show off
but can’t keep her words inside
What if it didn’t matter?

The same for the girl
Who finds herself friendless
Who finds herself “different”
What if it didn’t matter?
‘Cause we’re all different.

So why don’t we accept
each other
For who we are
On the inside
AND on the outside?