My dream
is for my writing
To spread positivity
To the world.
I have a dream that
my writing will overcome every physical barrier
The pen is mightier than the sword, they say
Writing is not
A weapon
has the power to change the world.
When I pick up my pen
I no longer feel
But like I
Have the power
To change the world, too.
Sometimes I wonder
What a girl like me
Could do for the world.
I feel limited
By what I can’t do.
But my dream is that
One day, writing will be enough.
My pen rests poised
Over the paper
Words flow out of me
My pain pours onto the page
Tears spill, ink blurs
Everything I carry
My pen helps me put down.
When I try to speak
My words pool awkwardly
Inside my mouth
When I write
I let my words out.
When I write
My voice can be heard
Even if I don’t speak
My dream is
I write to
speak for the world
My dream is to write and
Speak for those who
Can’t speak for themselves.
When I write
It doesn’t matter
What I can’t do.
The stairs I can’t climb,
The miles I can’t run,
don’t matter anymore.
When I write
I am equal to everyone else.
My dream of writing
Makes me worthy.
My dream is to be
More than my legs
When I write
I am more than
My imperfections
Some people look at me and
My legs are all they see
They see
A girl who limps around
A girl who
Is not like everyone else
My writing is a bridge
My writing has the power
To connect people from
All walks of life.
Writing is
A light for the blind,
A voice for the mute
Strength for the weak,
And hope
For those who feel hopeless.
Writing never discriminates,
Writing never judges,
or scorns,
or tells me that
I am not enough
When I put my pen down,
I can be at peace
Knowing that I filled the world with
My words.
My dream is fulfilled
If I can reach people
With my words.