Sunday, July 4, 2021

Why I Love Fireworks (And Why I Don’t)


Happy July 4th!! Happy birthday, America! In honor of the holiday, you may have celebrated. Maybe that included a barbecue or brunch with family. Maybe you watched movies. Most likely, you also either purchased or saw fireworks. 

Fireworks are big and beautiful and sparkly. They go off with a boom that signals you that a firework is coming. No big deal, right? Just a signature sound. If you think that, your experience is oh-so-different than mine. As a person with SPD (sensory processing disorder), that sound is not far off from torture. I think my dog and I are in total agreement. (He hates fireworks.) Fireworks are so pretty, but without headphones, the noise would make me cower and hold my ear closed with my finger and/or shoulder. I love the fireworks, but I can only sit outside and watch for a few minutes before the sound overwhelms me—sometimes even with headphones on. I always feel like I’m spoiling the fun when I say I’m ready to go inside. 

To solve this problem, my family gets sparklers that don’t make any sound. They’re pretty and they don’t make noise. But when the sparkler lights on fire and makes a flash, I guess I either expect it to make noise or burn my hands. (I almost burned my shirt once.) In spite of my sensory problems, I enjoy waving sparklers around my backyard and celebrating the Fourth of July.

The birth of America is really special, and there are different ways to celebrate it. Maybe fireworks aren’t for me, but that’s okay. There are plenty of things that I can do to celebrate.